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Our Mission

Here at Atlas we work towards building a faster and more efficient way of keeping you and your family safe throughout your daily life. This is made possible through our intelligent adaptation of the 911 system, utilizing our patented Conversational AI Technology,  available through all cellular providers.

The Issues at Hand

Most 911 calls are answered in under 15 seconds but reports show numbers upwards of 20 seconds in multiple instances.

The average response time of emergency services in the U.S. after a 911 call is placed is 10 minutes.

Traditional 911 call centers utilize human operators. Humans can cause many errors in the processing of vital information.

Benefits of Atlas

Instant service and connection to Atlas upon the dialing of 911, without the wait for an operator to answer the call.

24/7 service / support regardless of location or call volume, as well as a high priority response from emergency services.

Utilization of an AI operator eliminating all human error in the processing and dispatching of vital  information.

Location Tracking technology allowing for instant targeting of a person in distress.

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